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Girls with horses see themselves as pack leaders and become better bosses. They see themselves as resourceful, a new study shows.
The ability to interact with the horse separates horse back riding from other spare time interests. Women in stables are forced to show who is in charge. It affects their self-image and they begin to view themselves as resourceful and brave. The girls in the stables feel that they differ from traditional expectations on how a woman or young girl should be. They see themselves as leaders, the author states. It is the powerful animals, and what the writer refers to as the discourse in the stable, that develop the girls' ability to lead.
Events that occur with horses, for example that they tear themselves loose, force girls to intervene. It is a dangerous world where young women have to take charge against these big animals, the researcher further explains.
The girls in the study describe themselves as "unbothered" and a bit tougher than other girls.Care to muck out my stable, anyone?
I will! I will! I even don´t care to be paid!
Sorry, for the comment btw. If it´s too stupid just delete it!
Just thought it could give me an extra point with you, when I volunteer as first...^^
Hmmm I've never considered pony play...until reading this post:)
Christian - You are first in line to start shovelling manure, so roll up your sleeves!
Axe - Having ridden real stallions has put me off pony play for good. A nice puppy on the other hand.... *smiles*
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