The UK
A bill outlawing the possession of "extreme pornography" is set to become law next week. But many fear it has been rushed through and will criminalise innocent people with a harmless taste for unconventional sex.
Under the new rules, criminal responsibility shifts from the producer - who is responsible under the OPA - to the consumer.
But campaigners say the new law risks criminalising thousands of people who use violent pornographic images as part of consensual sexual relationships.
In 1995, as the first EU country, Denmark withdrew sadomasochism completely as a diagnosis by a political decision in the Government. This was less than a year after SM and fetishism were in effect removed from the influential American diagnosis list DMS-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders). Both the Danish and the US decisions are founded on research showing SM or sadomasochism to be no disease.
It seems as though I am not mentally insane, but taking photos of some of my acts may now become a crime. I am staying away from the cameras.