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Man trapped in a chastity belt.
A man in Kingston, England decided to try on a chastity belt when his girlfriend was not home.
There was only one problem. When he went to take the belt off he discovered that the key to the chastity belt was missing. No matter how hard he tried, he could not get the metal belt off. Finally, he saw no other option than to call the local fire department.
The man's face was red when the firemen were forced to saw the chastity belt of him. He had lost the key. The men worked on the belt for over an hour before he was freed. The man did not notice his release. He had passed out from his swellings and pain in the genital area. He had spent the entire day trying to get the belt off.
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Now there is a good quality belt, too bad the article does not mention who the manufacturer is...
Hmm how did that commercial get there?
“Much of the modern resistance to chastity comes from men's belief that they ''own'' their bodies - those vast and perilous estates, pulsating with the energy that made the worlds, in which they find themselves without their consent and from which they are ejected at the pleasure of Another!”
*ASG* påminner mig om en pinsam händelse jag var med om med mitt ex kanske berättar det för dig någon gång...*S*
whipthetwig C.S Lewis was indeed a bright man!
Anonymous Det MÅSTE jag få veta mer om, gumman!
Apparently he was, Milady! It seems you are in agreement with his views.
whipthetwig I believe that sometimes too much emphasis has been put on the male genitalia, instead of the psyche. They are intimately related no doubt, but the mind comes first, and the body follows.
So it is. Especially in the cases when someone knows how to provoke the mind, work it, control it.
Hihi...Klart jag berättar för dig om du frågar men inte på din blogg....*ler*
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